

The initial clinical experiences of single-incision laparoscopic technique in abdominal surgery
摘要 目的:本研究总结单孔腹腔镜治疗腹部良性疾病的早期经验并评价其可行性。方法:由同一腹腔镜手术小组对53例腹部良性病患者实行单孔腹腔镜手术并搜集患者围手术期数据指标。结果:5例中转为传统腹腔镜手术。1例穿孔修补术患者出现了术后并发症。术后24 h VAS疼痛评分在3分以下,术后随访患者满意程度高,所有病例未在术中延长切口。结论:单孔腹腔镜治疗腹部良性疾病安全、可行,其美容效果令人满意。 Objective To describe initial clinical experience and assess the feasibility of single -incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) in the treatment of benign disease in abdomen. Method 53 patients with a benign abdominal disease were enrolled in this study. All cases underwent SILS,and all operations were performed by one expert laparoscopic surgeon. Patient characteristics and perioperative data were collected. Results In all cases,5 cases were converted to a conventional laparoscopic technique. Postoperative complication occurred in one patient who underwent perforation repair. Pain was evaluated and was under 3 scores, according to the visual analogue scale (VAS) after 24 h. Postoperative follow - up showed that the degree of satisfaction was high. In all cases, there was no need to extend the skin inci- sion. Conclusion Single - incision laparoscopic surgery is feasible and safe for some patients with benign disease in abdomen. The cosmetic results and the degree of satisfaction appear to be significant.
出处 《吉林医学》 CAS 2014年第10期2025-2026,共2页 Jilin Medical Journal
关键词 单孔腹腔镜 微创手术 腹部外科 Single - incision laparoscopic surgery Minimally invasive surgery Abdominal surgery
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