从双频段波纹喇叭的辐射特性出发,确定了喇叭的口面参数,设计了喇叭的辐射段、变角段和光壁过渡段,并用球面波展开法计算其辐射方向图。研究了双槽结构模变换器不同的角度对喇叭的回波损耗、辐射特性及工作带宽的影响。设计了Ku/Ka双频段波纹喇叭,E面和H面辐射方向图保持良好的等化,回波损耗在Ku频段优于22 dB,在Ka频段优于30 dB。
To get the radiation pattern needed by dual-band horn, the right radius of the aperture and the flare angle are chosen. Theradiation section,the angle change section and the smooth-walled transition section are designed.The radiation pattern is computed by using spherical wave expansion. The effect of the angle of the mode converters on the return loss, the radiation pattern and the operation bandwidth is studied.Then design of a Ku/Ka dual-band corrugated horn with dual-slot structure mode converter is psesented. The radiation patterns of the E plane and the H plane keep exactly symmetrical.And the return loss keeps better than 22dB over the Ku band and 30dB over the Ka band.
Radio Communications Technology