具有外源基因的小麦新种质是极其宝贵的育种新材料 ,快速、准确地鉴定小麦中的外源基因 ,有利于加速其在育种上的利用。形态标记、细胞标记、生化标记和分子标记是检测小麦外源基因重要的遗传标记方法。本文全面论述了形态标记、细胞标记、生化标记和分子标记在小麦外源基因检测中的研究进展情况 。
The new germplasm—wheat with exogenous genes is the most valuable natural material for breeding of new variety .Identifying of exogenous genes rapidly and correctly is foundation to the breeding. Morphological markers,cytological markers,biochemical markers and molecular markers are the important genetic markers to detect the exogenous genes of the wheat.This article summarizes and reviews the research progress of this field in recent years.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology