
国外公共图书馆服务标准文本分析及借鉴 被引量:3

Textual Analysis and Enlightenment of Foreign Public Library Service Standards
摘要 西方图书馆界在公共图书馆服务标准方面已有很多研究与实践成果,其代表性标准文本大至国家层面,小至地方郡市,均明确以"立足当下,展望未来"为目标,内容具体实用,注重效果、强调互动,体现了西方图书馆界对服务宗旨和服务质量的共同关注。我国图书馆界的服务标准制订工作尚处于起步阶段,虽然具有前瞻性、规范性、指导性等特点,但在标准文本制订方面仍需注意使目标陈述更加务实、补充量化指标的数据设置依据、强化指标的灵活性和实效性等问题。 The western library circle has made lots of research and practical achievements in public library service standards, the typical ones of which ranging from the nation to cities and towns all set clear objectives basing themselves on the present and looking into the future, have specific and practical contents, lay emphasis on effects and interaction, and reflect that the western library circle has common in focusing on the aim and quality of services. Still in early stages, the service standard setting of China's library circle has the characteris- tics of perspectiveness, normativity and instructiveness, hut needs some improvement in setting standard texts : making goal statement more pragmatic, supplementing the basis of data setting of quantitative indexes, and strengthening the flexibility and effectiveness of indexes. 14 refs.
作者 洪秋兰
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期53-59,共7页 Journal of The National Library of China
基金 福建省教育厅A类社科基地重点研究项目"福建省城市公共文化服务指标体系研究"(项目编号:JA12082S)的研究成果之一 福建师范大学第二届优秀青年骨干教师基金资助
关键词 国外公共图书馆 服务标准 研究启示 Foreign Public Libraries Service Standards Research Enlightenment
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