
美国著名判例对数字环境延伸合理使用原则的启示 被引量:1

Enlightenment of Famous Fair Use Case Decisions in the United States
摘要 Author's Guild v.Hathi Trust以及Cambridge University Press et al v.Patton et al是2012年美国非常重要的合理使用案例,在案件审判中,法官运用了美国《著作权法案》第108条关于合理使用的原则性四大要素:使用的目的和特征、使用的性质、作品的使用数量、对作品市场的影响,仔细考核案件中的具体指控事实是否符合合理使用原则,为图书馆等公共服务机构或者科研机构基于合理使用原则为用户服务提供了参考引证。 Case Author's Guild v. Hathi Trust and case Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al are very important in USA on how to apply fair use in the digital era in 2012. Judges in both cases used four principle elements of fair use in Article 108 of Copyright Act, that is, the aim and features of use, the character of use, the number of works in use and the effect on market of works, to carefully examine in actual cases that whether specific allegations complied with the principle of fair use, which provided references for libraries and other public service or scientific research institutions to serve users based on the principle of fair use. 10 refs.
作者 周玲玲
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期85-89,共5页 Journal of The National Library of China
基金 对外经济贸易大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"国际公司法律之权利人利益平衡机制比较研究"(项目编号:13QD16)研究成果之一
关键词 著作权 合理使用 革新性 美国 Copyright Fair Use Innovativeness United States of America
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  • 1Author's Guild v. Hathi Trust District Judge opin- ion & order[EB/OL]. [2012-12 -21]. http:// www. arl. org/bm doc/hathitrust - decisionlOoct 12. pdf.
  • 2Court Rules on HathiTrust and Fair Use [ EB/ OL]. [2012 - 12 - 12]. http://eopyright, eolu mbia. edu/copyright/2012/10/11/court-rules-on- hathitrust -and-fair-use/.
  • 3Hathi Trust Wins[EB/OLJ. [2012 - 11 -29]. http ://laboratorium. net/archive/2012/10/10/ hathitrust_wins.
  • 4Favorable Ruling in HathiTrust Fair -Use Case a Big Win for CIC Universities [ EB/OL]. [2012 - 12 - 17 ]. http ://www. cic. net/Home/NewsAnd-Pubs/News/12 - lO - ll/Favorable_Ruling_in_ HathiTrust_Fair- Use_Case_aBig_Win for CIC Universities. aspx.
  • 5Decision Will Revolutionize Blind People's Access to Books[EB/OL]. [20!2 - 12 - 19]. https:// nfb. org/national - federation - blind - applauds - landmark - court - ruling.
  • 6Digitizing Books Is Fair Use: Author's Guild v. HathiTrust [ EB/OL ]. [ 2012 - 12 - 20 ]. https :// www. eft. org/deeplinks/2012/10/authors - guild- vhathitrustdecision.
  • 7ISSUE BRIEF GSU Fair Use Decision Recap and Implications[ EB/OL]. [2012 - 12 - 21 ]. www. arl. org/bm -doc/gsu_issuebrief_lSmay 12. pdf.
  • 8The GSU decision-not an easy road for anyone [EB/OL]. [2012 - 12 -07]. http://blogs, li- brary, duke. edu/scholcomm/2012/(15/12/the - gsu - decision - not - an - easy - road - for - anyone/.
  • 9国家科学图书馆与中国图书馆学会共同研讨《著作权法(修改草案)》[EB/OL].[2012-04-26].http://www.1as.cas.en/xwzx/zyxw/201204/t20120423_3561235.html.
  • 10国家版权局[EB/OL].[2012-12-19].ht-tp://www.ncac.gov.cn/cms/html/309/3502/20127/759779.html.








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