
图书馆RFID数据模型标准应用研究 被引量:2

Application Research on Library RFID Data Model Standard
摘要 自2012年6月1日文化部颁布由国家图书馆牵头起草的文化行业标准《图书馆-射频识别-数据模型》后,该标准在全国各级各类图书馆中得到一定程度的使用。本文针对该标准实施过程中业界同行遇到的一些普遍性问题,如HF和UHF标签协调使用、数据元素的选择与使用、数据编码规则的使用等提出相关建议。由于该标准仅为行业标准,无法避免行业间标准的不协调统一;同时由于该标准针对UHF标签进行设计的第三部分暂未发布,导致采用UHF标签的图书馆尚无行业标准可以遵循。在国际相关标准颁布后,我国国家标准的制订也将考虑UHF标签在图书馆行业的应用。 Since June 1, 2012, the Ministry of Culture issued the cultural industry standard RFID - library - data model which was drafted leading by National Library of China. The standard has been used in some librar- ies. But in the implementation process, these libraries encounter some universal problems, such as HF and UHF tags coordinated use, selection and use of data elements, use of data encoding rules, etc. Based on the aforementioned problems, this article makes some relevant suggestions. Because the standard is only for one in- dustry, the discordance and disunity among inter - industry standards cannot be avoided. At the same time, because the third part of the standard for UHF tag has not yet released, the libraries which adopt UHF tag have no relative standards to follow. As relevant international standards are promulgated, the UHF tag in the library industry will be considered in setting China's national standard. 12 refs.
作者 秦格辉
机构地区 深圳图书馆
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期90-95,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 高频标签 超高超标签 数据模型 标准应用 HF RFID UHF RFID Data Model Standard Application
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