目的 探讨双能量能谱CT物质定量分析检测痛风患者外周关节内痛风石沉积的价值.方法 搜集经临床和实验室检查确诊的、有急性痛风发作史的31例痛风患者作为患者组,实验室尿酸正常、排除关节炎及关节外伤病史的10名健康志愿者作为对照组.对患者组及对照组的外周关节行CT能谱扫描,分析比较患者组直径>10 mm的痛风石和其相同层面的肌肉、骨皮质、骨松质以及对照组肌肉、骨皮质、骨松质的CT能谱成像定量参数[尿酸(钙)浓度、钙(尿酸)浓度、钙(水)浓度、水(钙)浓度]间的差异.采用单因素方差分析比较患者组间上述定量参数,独立样本t检验比较患者组及对照组间上述定量参数的差异.结果 患者组31例痛风患者的足踝关节内有106枚直径> 10 mm的痛风石,对照组对应患者组选取60个ROI用于本次研究.患者组中痛风石的基物质浓度,尿酸(钙)浓度为(1 268.8±32.2) mg/cm3,钙(尿酸)浓度为(19.4±9.5) mg/cm3,钙(水)浓度为(10.8±9.5)mg/cm3,水(钙)浓度为(1 171.0 ±26.8) mg/cm3;骨皮质的基物质浓度,尿酸(钙)浓度为(1 333.6±83.8) mg/cm3,钙(尿酸)浓度为(271.1±85.0) mg/cm3,钙(水)浓度为(262.6±85.4) mg/cm3,水(钙)浓度为(1 230.8±77.0) mg/cm3;肌肉的基物质浓度,尿酸(钙)浓度为(1 143.5±15.7)mg/cm3,钙(尿酸)浓度为(12.3 ±5.0)mg/cm3,钙(水)浓度为(4.4±1.9) mg/cm3,水(钙)浓度为(1 054.1±14.6) mg/cm3;骨松质的基物质浓度,尿酸(钙)浓度为(1 070.9±26.4) mg/cm3,钙(尿酸)浓度为(85.1±46.9)mg/cm3,钙(水)浓度为(77.4±46.7)mg/cm3,水(钙)浓度为(988.0±23.4) mg/cm3,不同部位的基物质间差异均有统计学意义(F值分别为665.04、646.13、642.10和692.41,P值均<0.01).痛风石、肌肉、骨皮质及骨松质4种组织间的尿酸(钙)浓度和水(钙)浓度行两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05),痛风石的钙(尿酸)浓度及钙(水)浓度与骨皮质及骨松质间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).患者组与对照组间骨皮质和骨松质的钙(尿酸)浓度以及钙(水)浓度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);肌肉间尿酸(钙)浓度及水(钙)浓度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 双能量能谱CT基物质图像可以检测出痛风患者外周关节内的痛风石以及定量测量痛风石内的基物质浓度,为临床定量监测痛风石提供依据.
Objective To assess the feasibility and diagnostic value in detecting uric acid deposition among patients with tophaceous gout by using Gemstone spectral imaging(GSI)-based qualitative analysis technique.Methods Thirty-one patients with clinical obvious tophaceous gout and 10 healthy volunteers underwent Discovery CT 750 HD scan with GSI mode.Uratoma more than 10 mm in diameter,muscles,cortical bone,and cancellous bone were analyzed and compared between patients and controls by using CT imaging spectroscopy quantitative parameters [uric acid (Ca) concentration,calcium (uric acid) concentration,calcium (water) concentration,and water (Ca) concentration].Univariate analysis of variance was applied within the patient group,and independent samples t test was used to compare the abovedmentioned quantitative parameters between patient group and control group.Results Base substance concentration in patients was as follows:uric acid (Ca) concentration (1 268.8 ± 32.2) mg/cm3,calcium (uric acid) concentration (19.4 ± 9.5) mg/cm3,calcium (water) concentration (10.8 ± 9.5) mg/cm3,and water (calcium) concentration (1 171.0 ± 26.8) mg/ cm3.The cortical bone of the base substance concentration was as follows:uric acid (Ca) concentration (1 333.6 ± 83.8) mg/ cm3,calcium (uric acid) concentration (271.1 ± 85.0) mg/cm3,calcium (water) concentration (262.6 ± 85.4) mg/cm3,and water (calcium) concentration (1 230.8 ± 77.0) mg / cm3.The muscles of the base substance concentration was as follows:uric acid (Ca) concentration (1 143.5 ± 15.7) mg / cm3,calcium (uric acid) concentration (12.3 ± 5.0) mg /cm3,calcium (water) concentration (4.4 ± 1.9) mg / cm3,and water (calcium) concentration (1 054.1 ± 14.6) mg / cm3.The cancellous bone of the base substance concentration was as follows:uric acid (Ca) concentration (1 070.9 ± 26.4)mg / cm3,calcium (uric acid) concentration (85.1 ± 46.9) mg/cm3,calcium (water) concentration (77.4 ± 46.7) mg/cm3,and water (calcium) concentration (988.0 ± 23.4) mg / cm3.There were significant differences(F value were 665.04,646.13,642.10,and 692.41,respectively,P < 0.01).The uric acid (Ca) concentration and water (calcium) concentration in tophi,muscle,cortical and cancellous bone showed differences between the two groups (P < 0.05),while calcium (uric acid) concentration and calcium (water) concentration showed significant differences between tophi and cortical bone or cancellous bone (P < 0.05).Between patient group and control group,cortical and cancellous bone calcium (uric acid) concentration and calcium (water) concentration showed significant difference (P < 0.05),and muscle uric acid (Ca) concentration and water (calcium) concentration also showed significant difference (P < 0.05).Conclusion Dual-energy spectral CT can detect the gout tophi within the peripheral joints in patients quantify the concentrations of the base materials,thus providing a new imaging method for the quantitative monitoring of clinical outcomes.
Chinese Journal of Radiology