
具有变应性鼻炎症状的518例儿童变应原致敏性高危因素分析 被引量:8

The high risk factors of allergen sensitization among 518 children with allergic rhinitis symptoms
摘要 目的 初步探讨1 ~16岁具有变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)症状的儿童变应原致敏性的高危因素.方法 采集2011年4月至2012年11月518例1 ~16岁具有AR症状患儿的病史资料,包括基本情况、发病特点、伴发其他变应性疾病、生长发育史及遗传史等.采用UniCAP 100系统测定过敏原,分析1 ~16岁儿童AR变应原致敏性(特异性IgE≥Ⅲ级)的高危因素.以SPSS 17.0软件进行数据处理和统计学分析.结果 330/518例(63.7%)确诊为AR,首要变应原为真菌混合(52.4%);变应原特异性IgE≥Ⅲ级占相应变应原阳性例数百分率最高者为真菌混合(71.1%).单因素分析结果显示,病史月数(x2=-3.591)、是否伴发过敏性结膜炎(x2=12.325)、家中有无饲养猫或狗(x2=5.615)在AR与非变应性鼻炎两组间差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).在AR患儿中,按变应原阳性级别是否≥Ⅲ级分组进行临床特征的单因素分析显示,伴发哮喘(x2=4.097)、母乳喂养(x2=4.186)、住楼房或平房(x2=4.360)、卧室朝向阳面或阴面(x2=4.656)在两组间差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).在AR患儿中,按年龄分组进行单因素分析结果显示,病史月数(x2=64.999)、伴发湿疹(x2=24.056)、伴发虫咬性皮炎(x2=9.148)、家中有猫或狗(x2=8.529)、母亲患AR(x2=9.565)在不同年龄组中的差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结论 病史较长、伴发过敏性结膜炎及家中有猫或狗是AR的危险因素.在AR患儿中,非母乳喂养及卧室朝阴面是吸入组变应原特异性IgE≥Ⅲ级的危险因素. Objective To study the high risk factors of allergen sensitization among 1-16 years old children with allergic rhinitis (AR) symptoms.Methods Medical history was collected from 518 children with AR symptoms aged 1 to 16 years old between April 2011 and November 2012,including five aspects:basic information,disease characteristics,associated with other allergic diseases,growth and development history and genetic history and so on.The allergens were determined by UniCAP 100 system.The high risk factors of allergen sensitization(sIgE ≥ grade Ⅲ) among 1-16 years old children with AR symptoms were analyzed.The data processing and statistical analysis were conducted by SPSS 17.0 software.Results Three hundred and thirty of 518 patients (63.7%) could be diagnosed as AR.The primary allergen was mixed fungal(52.4%).The highest percentage of allergen sIgE ≥ grade Ⅲ accounted for the corresponding allergen positive cases was 71.1% (mixed fungal).Single factor analysis of clinical characteristics in the groups of AR and non AR showed that the history of months (x2 =-3.591),concomitant allergic conjunctivitis (x2 =12.325) and cats or dogs at home (x2 =5.615) were statistically significant between the two groups(all P < 0.05).In children with AR,single factor analysis of clinical characteristics in the groups of whether positive allergen level ≥ grade Ⅲ showed that the concomitant asthma (x2 =4.097),breastfeeding(x2 =4.186),the housing situation (x2 =4.360) and the bedroom toward (x2 =4.656) were statistically significant between the two groups (all P < 0.05).In children with AR,single factor analysis of clinical characteristics in different age groups showed that the history of months(x2 =64.999),concomitant eczema (x2 =24.056),concomitant insect bite dermatitis (x2 =9.148),cats or dogs at home (x2 =8.529) and mother suffered from AR (x2 =9.565) were statistically significant in different age groups (all P < 0.05).Conclusion The study revealed that the longer of history,concomitant allergic conjunctivitis and cats or dogs at home are risk factors for AR;In children with AR,not breastfeeding and the bedroom toward back are risk factors for inhalation allergen sIgE ≥ grade Ⅲ.
出处 《中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期277-282,共6页 Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
基金 首都医学发展科研基金(2009-1035)
关键词 儿童 鼻炎 变应性 常年性 过敏反应 危险因素 Child Rhinitis, allergic,perennial Anaphylaxis Risk factors
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