我科于2011-10-2013-02共收治3例Ram-say-Hunt综合征并累及迷走神经患者,报告如下。1 病例报告例1男,55岁,因“左耳疼痛伴口角偏歪、左眼闭目不全5d”于2011年10月收入我科。专科检查:左侧耳甲腔内见多个呈簇集状排列、米粒般大小的淡红色水疱。
The clinical data of 3 cases of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome concurrent with ipsilateral vocal cord paral- ysis were retrospectively analyzed, and the relevant literatures were also reviewed. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome is a kind of disease characterized by heavy ear pain,herpes zoster oticus and inner ear neurologic symptoms,which can also affect the vocal cords and give rise to vocal cords paralysis. Ramsay-Hunt syndrome can cause multiple in- flammation of cranial nerves. The viral infection can also involve the 3rd and 10th cranial nerves. It mainly damage the facial nerve, followed by the involvement of vestibulocochlear nerve. The vagus nerve damage is rare, so the relevant clinical reports are less. It is important to take the objective data as well as subjective symptoms of the pa- tients into consideration to make a definite diagnosis, so that we can treat it as soon as possible to achieve better curative effect.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery