
印度德里城市规划与发展 被引量:4

100 Years of Modern Urban Planning in Delhi, India
摘要 对印度首都德里的城市演变、城市发展的主要问题和当代城市规划进行了综合的介绍和分析。包含3部分内容:一是德里的城市演变过程,分为12—17世纪的德里七城、1911—1947的英国殖民统治、1947年的印度独立和分裂以及1967年至今的当代城市规划4个时期;二是分析德里当前城市发展面临的主要问题;三是阐述了德里当代城市规划的主要举措以及2002—2021城市总体规划的新战略重点。 This article introduces the city evolution history of Delhi, from its hoary past as the capital of many kingdoms dated as early as 1450 BC, to the British colonial influence during early 20th century, to its painful independence and partition of India in 1947 til modern master planning began in 1962. It also further il ustrates the problems and chal enges Delhi is facing in its development process and the achievements and new strategies of the modern urban planning which attempts to being more meaningful and to improve the quality of life for the people of Delhi.
出处 《上海城市规划》 2014年第1期78-85,共8页 Shanghai Urban Planning Review
关键词 德里 城市演变 城市规划 问题和举措 Delhi City evolution Urban planning Chal enges and strategies
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