目的:探讨HC2-HPV检测在宫颈癌及癌前病变诊断中的预测价值.方法:应用杂交捕获法HC2-HPV对乌鲁木齐市妇幼保健院2010年12月~2011年12月的1787例患者行13种高危型HPV检测,并通过阴道镜对可疑病灶多点活检.结果:1787例患者中HC2-HPV阳性者687例,占38.44%,HPV阳性的患者宫颈癌及癌前病变194例,占28.24%(CIN-Ⅰ 100例占5.60%,平均检测值511.01 pg/ml;CIN-Ⅱ 33例占17.01%,平均检测值1019.34pg/ml; CIN-Ⅲ 57例占29,38%,平均检测值219.30 pg/ml;浸润性癌4例占2.06%,平均检测值861.37pg/ml);结论 HPV-DNA的RLU/CO比值高低与宫颈病变程度无关,HPV病毒检测值不完全随子宫颈上皮内瘤变级别升高而升高.利用HC2检测13种高危HPV,有针对性地进行活组织病理检查,有效地指导临床,是诊断宫颈鳞癌及癌前病变的重要手段.
Objective Discussion HC2-HPV testing in cervical cancer pre-cancerous change in the diagnosis of predictive value. Methods Application meth6d HC2 hybrid capture of urumqi-HPV maternity and child care centers in December 2010 to December 2011, 1787 patients underwent 13 high-risk type HPV testing, and through the vaginal mirror on suspicious lesions more biopsy. Consequence 1787 patients HC2 positive, there were 687 cases of 38.44%, HPV positive patients and pre-cancerous cervical cancer in 194 cases, accounting for 28.24%. (CIN-I 100 cases of 5.60%, on average, 511.01 pg/ml assessment; CIN-II 33 cases accounted for 17.01%, on average, 1019.34 pg/ml assessment; CIN-III 57 patients accounted for 29.38%, and the average 219.30 pg/ml assessment; invasive carcinoma in 4 accounted for 2.06%, on average, 861.37 pg assessment/m);, Conclusion HPV DNA - the RLU/CO, ratio of high and low has nothing to do with the degree of cervical lesions, HPV detection value not completely with the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade rises. Using 13 kinds of high-risk HPV HC2 detection, targeted on hying tissue pathological examination, effectively guide the clinical, diagnosis is an important means of cervical squamous carcinoma and precancerous lesions.
Xinjiang Medical Journal