
第10届数字对象长期保存国际会议(iPRES2013)综述 被引量:6

Review on the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects: iPRES 2013
摘要 全面地回顾第10届数字对象长期保存国际会议(iPRES2103)的内容,并进一步揭示长期保存领域当前的发展现状和研究热点。重点介绍Web Archive相关研究与挑战、长期保存重点研究对象的转移及相关技术问题、合作与共享及涉及的互操作问题、长期保存的国家战略、评估与评价、保存监控管理、技术与基础设施以及可扩展的大规模保存等相关主题内容与研究热点问题。 This article reviews the contents of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES2103) systematically and comprehensively, further reveals research progress and hotspots of digital preservation. The topics focus on related research and challenges of Web Archive, transfer of key research objects and relevant technolo- gies, cooperation and sharing and their interoperability issues, national strategies, assessment and evaluation, preservation watch, technology and infrastructure, large - scale preservation and other related subjects.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期127-135,共9页 Library and Information Service
关键词 IPRES 长期保存 国际会议 综述 iPRES digital preservation international conference review
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  • 2Blevins R, Patel I, O'Sullivan J, et al, Studies on the scalability of Web preservation[ EB/OL]. [2014 -02 -10]. http://purl, pt/ 24107/1/iPres2013_PDF/Studies on the scalability of Web preser- vation, pdf.
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  • 6Lindley A. Database preservation evaluation report-SIARD vs. CHRONOS[ EB/OL ]. [ 2014 - 02 - 10 ]. http ://purl. pt/24107/ 1/iPres2013_PDF/Database Preservation Evaluation Report-SIARD vs. CHRONOS. pdf.
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  • 8Heritage T. File-based preservation of the BBC' s videotape archive [ EB/OL]. [ 2014 - 02 - 10 ]. http ://purl. pt/24107/1/iPres2013 _ PDF/File - Based Preservation of the BBC' s Videotape Archive. pdf.
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