

Influence Factors of Parents on the Mental Environment of Pupils of the Urban Areas
摘要 家庭心理环境是指人为因素形成的家庭条件,包括家庭中一切成员的世界观、气质、道德修养、家庭活动氛围等。研究采用家长报告法,用家庭环境量表(FES-CV)(第三修订版)对城市46名小学4年级学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)城市小学生家庭环境中的亲密度、娱乐性、组织性和控制性四个因子的得分显著高于全国常模,成功性因子显著低于全国常模;(2)城市小学生父母受教育程度和职业类型均对家庭环境因子的影响存在显著差异,但总体影响作用不突出;(3)在家庭知识性因子上,父母文化程度均为大学的得分高于或显著高于大专或高中家庭。母亲为企业职员的得分显著高于专业技术、无业和自由职业三类家庭;(4)在家庭情感表达因子上,父亲为企业职员的得分高于专业技术、政府和自由职业三类家庭;母亲为自由职业者的得分高于或显著高于无业、企业、政府和专业技术人员四类家庭;(5)父亲文化程度与家庭环境的知识性因子呈显著正相关,而与道德宗教观因子呈显著负相关;(6)母亲文化程度与家庭环境的控制性因子呈显著正相关。 The mental environment of family refers to the family conditions involving human factors, including all family members' view of the world, temperament, morality, and family atmosphere. 46 primary school pupils were surveyed in the parents report method and Family Environments Scale Manual (Chinese version) (FES- CV) and the results are as follows: 1 ) scores of urban primary school students' intimacy, entertaining ability, organization tendency and controlling factors are significantly higher than those of the national norms while their success factor is significantly lower; 2) the education background and professions of their parents make significant difference to their effect on the family men- tal environments ; 3 ) in the factor of intellectual - cultural orientation, parents having finished university achieve higher scores than those having finished college or high school only while mothers working as en- terprise employees achieve significantly higher scores than those working as professionals and freelancer and those unemployed; 4) in the factor of expressiveness, fathers who are enterprise employee achieve higher scores than those working as professionals, civil servants and freelancer while mothers who are freelancer achieve significantly higher scores than those working as enterprise employees, civil servants, professionals or those who are unemployed; 5) there is significantly positive correlation between father' s education and the score of intellectual - cultural orientation but significantly negative correlation be- tween the degree and the scores of moral - religious emphasis factor ; and 6) there is significantly posi- tive correlation between mothers' education background and the scores of control factor.
出处 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2014年第2期69-75,共7页 Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
基金 云南省教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题部分成果 项目编号:Z12003
关键词 家庭心理环境 小学生 父母受教育程度 父母职业类型 family mental environment, pupil, education background of parents, occupationof parents
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