
航空碳税争议及我国的应对 被引量:1

Dispute of Aviation Carbon Tax and China's Countermeasures
摘要 应对气候变化是人类的共同责任。但航空碳税背后的博弈反映国家之间存在的利益分歧。欧盟征收航空碳税受到其他国家的强烈抵制,主要是由于实施规则不合理,侵犯了其他国家的主权利益。航空碳税会推高我国航空公司运营、管理成本,航空碳税隐含的贸易壁垒影响我国航空业未来发展,运输成本的增加还会转移到货物贸易领域,从而对我国其他领域产生不利影响。全球航空业碳排放的市场机制仍有可能设立有利于发达国家的碳税和碳交易体系。为积极应对航空碳税给我国的不利影响,我国应发展航空低碳技术和碳交易市场,维护发展中国家利益,并制定应对气候变化的基本制度。 Countering climate change is common responsibility of human beings' , however, there is divergence of interests. Aviation carbon tax hides the interest game of countries. Mainly due to the unreasonable implementation ride and violation of the sovereignty of other countries'interests, EU levied aviation carbon tax invoked strong resistance from non -EU countries. Aviation carbon tax might increase operating and management costs of airlines of our country, implicit trade barriers of aviation carbon tax would affect the future development of China~ aviation industry, and increased transport costs will be transferred to trade in goods. Thus adversely affect other areas of our country. Carbon emissions market mechanisms of global aviation industry may still establish carbon tax and carbon trading system which is in favor of developed countries. To actively respond to the adverse effects of aviation carbon tax, it is recommended that our country should develop low - carbon technologies and carbon trading market, actively promote the interests of developing countries, and enact basic system of countering to climate change.
作者 唐钊 乔刚
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期16-20,共5页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国碳捕获与封存立法研究"(13BFX133) 湖南教育厅课题"环境规制竞争衡平研究"(12C0763)
关键词 气候变化 航空碳税 碳排放 排放配额 climate change aviation carbon tax carbon emissions emission allowance
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