
转型期广州市城市居民职住空间与通勤行为研究 被引量:32

Urban Residents' Home-work Space and Commuting Behavior in Guangzhou
摘要 以广州市2001年、2005年和2010年大型家庭社会调查为基础,研究了广州市城市居民职住空间和通勤行为的演化,从微观层面分析城市居民职住空间分离和城市通勤行为的影响因素。结果表明:2000年以来广州市城市居民职住空间分离趋势较为明显,但通勤成本仍然是城市居民居住区位或工作地选择过程的重要考虑因素;通过使用职住空间平衡测量指标来测度城市职住空间平衡的空间差异,研究结果显示:内圈层存在最为严重的职住空间失衡,而随着近年来广州市产业和居住郊区化进程的突飞猛进,城市郊区的职住空间失衡状况有明显改善,职住空间平衡率大幅度提升。从通勤行为来看,广州市城市居民使用传统的通勤方式比重最高,家庭收入、文化程度、住房产权和性质状况、工作单位性质等城市居民通勤行为显著影响通勤方式。 Chinese urban institutional system transition, rapid urbanization and rapid economic growth has led to profound changes of urban residents' home-work space and commuting behaviors. The domestic study on home-space and urban commuting behavior focused on the descriptive analysis of home-work space and urban commuting behaviors and urban traffic development policies formulating, but research on formation mecha- nism of more and more urban commuting flow from micro angle using household survey analysis is relatively lacked. Based on the three social surveys conducted in 2001, 2005 and 2010 respectively in Guangzhou, urban residents' home-work space, jobs-housing spatial balance and commuting behavior (commuting time and com- muting modes) were analyzed in this article. The analysis results suggested that spatial separation between home and work had became more and more obvious since 2000, but urban residents still showed strong prefer- ence to choose the nearest workplace or residence, and commuting cost was one of most important factors dur- ing their process of workplace or residential location choose. Using the measuring index to measure the spatial difference of job-housing spatial balance, it was obvious that job-housing imbalance in inner core was more se- rious than other cores. With rapid industry and residential suburbanization, job-housing balance in suburban has been improved greatly. As for urban residents' commuting behavior, traditional commuting mode still stayed in dominance, and household income, education level, homeownership and housing nature, the nature of work unit, etc. significantly affect urban residents' commuting behavior. Those studies of urban residents' home-work space and commuting behavior from the micro level could provide the important basis and useful reference for government to formulate urban planning and transport development policies. It was necessary to formulate the urban planning and urban transport development policies from the angle of impact factors for ur- ban commuting behaviors. In addition to the urban space and traffic development characteristics, individual and household' s social variables (such as age, gender, occupational and housing characteristics) significantly effected urban commuting behaviors and relative urban traffic development policies formulating should be based on the urban commuting behaviors of urban residents and their internal impact factors. Beside through optimizing urban space structure and industrial development and strengthening the urban infrastructure con- struction and urban traffic control, etc. to alleviate the contradictions of job-housing spatial mismatch and de- crease the urban commuting flow to ease urban traffic pressure, optimizing the urban population and housing structure, etc. to decrease the individual urban commuting flow should be paid more attention to during the pro- cess of urban traffic development policies formulating. At the same time, jobs-housing spatial balance ideology should be regard as an important principle for urban planning to alleviate the excessive home-work separation and too high cost of urban commuting through rational urban planning.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期272-279,共8页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(09YJC840016) 国家自然科学基金项目(41001088)资助
关键词 职住空间 通勤行为 城市交通发展 广州 home-work space commuting behavior urban communication Guangzhou
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