China and the ASEAN have achieved significant progressin the past decade. The two sides have witnessed a goldendecade of China-ASEAN cooperation, with bilateral tradevolume increasing by fivefold and the scale of two-wayinvestment expanding threefold. We built up the largest freetrade area of the developing countries across the world, whichconform to the trend of development and bring benefits to thepeople. The ASEAN has already become the third largest tradepartner of China. The economic connection between Chinaand the ASEAN has never been so close and interdependentas today. We had the capabilities to create a 'golden decade' in the past, we also has the power to create a 'diamonddecade' in the future. China accounts for half of the fastest-growing trade routes in recent times. China and SoutheastAsian countries had been linked by the ancient maritime SilkRoad more than 2,000 years ago, and now we are relaying thehistoric glory.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly