

TCM Trace Element Data( 14)
摘要 "中药微量元素数据"分为植物药、动物药、生物甲壳药、矿物药和中成药刊出,其中又细分为解表药、泻下药、清热药、利水渗湿药、祛风湿药、温里祛寒药、芳香化湿药、理气药、理血药、补养药、固涩药、化痰止咳药、消导药、熄风镇痛药、养心安神药、芳香开窍药、外用药、驱虫药、各类中药煎煮液。检测的中药747种,共6 780味。每种药包括药名、学名、科属、部位、产地、元素含量、分析方法和文献来源等8个内容。以表格形式表示。每味药物最多测定38种元素,最少测定4种元素,平均测定17种元素,共展示出的元素数据约12万个。每一个数据含义非常深刻,如序号为113的黄芩,共测定河北、山西、辽宁、黑龙江、山东、云南、四川、河南、吉林、陕西、甘肃、内蒙古、江苏等50个不同产地黄芩中的20种元素。又如序号为114的猕猴桃,共测定其中花、果、叶、枝、茎、根、皮、汁等8个不同部位中的23种元素。从元素的角度去研究中药不同产地、不同部位的药用功效,很有科研价值和实用意义。还可以用模式识别法去研究微量元素与中药的解表、清热、理气、理血等药性的关系,指导合理用药和配伍,深入研究中药与元素数据的关系,可以发现其中许多意想不到的科学规律。"数据"所参考的1 036条文献,全是公开发表的论文和专著,是中国科研人员使用34种先进的分析测试方法所得的分析测试数据,是研究课题的"数据",有高度的可靠性。对中药进行"解剖"测试,不但测定其"全身"中的元素,还测定其不同"器官"中的元素含量,如人参,既测定全参,又测定人参子、人参叶、人参皮、人参花、人参芦、人参茎、人参果、人参须等8个不同部位的元素含量,用元素功能指导临床用药很有帮助,甚至有些可用替代药,而且用中药治疗的阴虚、阳虚、气虚、阴阳两虚与中药中的元素的种类和含量息息相关。中医药不再是验方,是科学"数据"方。 Chinese medicine trace element data are published by the type of botanicals, animal drugs,biological carapace drugs, minerals, medicines and Chinese medicines, which is subdivided into relieving drugs, diarrhea prescription, antipyretic, diuretics for eliminating dampness, damp - dispel agent & diuret, cold dispelling agent, aromatic dampness drug, qi regulating agent, blood regulating agent, nourishing medicine, astringents, eliminate sputum drugs, digestants, analgesics, tranquilizing by nourishing the heart tranquilizing by nourishing the heart, external application drug, insect repellents, traditional Chinese medicine decoction. 747 kinds of detection of a total of 6 780 flavor Chinese medicine, each drug including the drug name, scientific name, family and genus, location, origin, element content, analytical methods and literature sources are expressed in form. Each medicine was determined of maximun 38, at least 4 and average 17 elements. Total 120,000 element data demonstrated. Each data meaning is well profound, such as the serial number for the 113's yellow baicalensis of total 20 element determination in Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Yunnan, Sichuan, Henan, Jilin, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu and other 50 different origin yellow baicalensis Another example is the serial number 114 kiwi of total 23 element determination in eight different parts including flowers, fruit, leaves, branches, stems, roots, bark, juice. From the point of view of the elements to study traditional Chinese medicine from different areas, different parts of the medicinal properties of very scientific value and practical significance. Solution form, heat, qi, regulating blood herbal can also use a pattern recognition method to the study of trace elements and traditional Chinese medicine, to guide rational drug use and compatibility - depth study of the relationship between the traditional Chinese medicine and the element data, and find much unexpected scientific law. The Data came from 1 036 literatures, including papers and monographs, 34 kinds of analytical test data. The determination of the different elements of not only the content, such as ginseng, the determination of total parameters "sys and temic", but also in the "organ" determination of Ginseng Fruit, ginseng leaf, ginseng skin, ginseng Chinese medicine the flowers, ginseng Lo, ginseng stems, ginseng fruit, ginseng root and other eight different parts of the element content, which is helpful for clinical treatment, alternative medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of Yin, yang or yin yang concurrent deficiency. Chinese medicine is a not only empirical, but also scientific data prescription
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 2014年第3期33-70,共38页 Trace Elements Science
关键词 中药 微量元素 数据 Chinese trandition medicines trace element data
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