

Waste Treatment and Recycle in Nigeria
摘要 固废治理已经成为尼日利亚可持续发展的一个重要衡量因素,通过调查法对尼日利亚固废治理所面临的问题进行研究.使用Z-test对调差问卷收集的数据进行分析,并用统计假设来检验.调查结果显示政府逐年管理固体废物非常重要.调查区域环保教育匮乏,固废治理人员缺乏技能训练且没有进一步培训计划.针对调查结果提出建议:为固体废物治理建立一个单独的预算来达到分配、实施和监控的目的;鼓励当地社区参与固体废物的治理;加强州和地方政府的环境保护教育;在中小学课程中灌输固体废物治理知识并列出详细的主题. The problem of solid waste management has become a measure factor towards sustainable development in Nigeria. The study therefore was carried out to review the problems facing waste treat- ment in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research method. Data collected through questionnaire were analyzed and hypotheses tested using Z-test statistical measure. The scientific investigation revealed among other things that resources normally voted by Government year by year to manage solid waste is always very important. There is no environmental education at all as was observed during the field inves- tigation. Furthermore, some of the waste treatment staff were poorly trained and no plan in the future to give them further training or to improve already acquired skill. Based on the findings, some of the major recommendations are that, solid waste management should be provided with a separate head in the budg- et for the purpose of adequate revenue allocation, implementation and monitoring. The participation of the local communities in solid waste management should be encouraged. Environmental education should be intensified by both the state and local government. Also primary, secondary and tertiary schools cur- ricula should inculcate detailed topics on solid waste management.
出处 《沈阳化工大学学报》 CAS 2014年第1期90-96,共7页 Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
关键词 尼日利亚 环境 固废治理 Nigeria environment solid waste management
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