

Research on the Relation of Key Strategic Control Elements and Corporate Performance
摘要 基于战略控制的定义,建立战略控制中执行过程控制、外部环境和企业绩效三者间的相互影响模型,结合高技术企业的特点,提出战略控制的关键要素,深入分析各要素与企业绩效,以及环境动态性对企业绩效的影响,为管理者实施战略控制提供意见和参考。 Based on the basic definition of strategic control, a conceptual model is proposed to illustrate the dynamic interaction a- mong strategic process control, environment and business performance. Furthermore, with the achievements of other researchers, the relation and interaction between these elements and corporate performance, environmental dynamism and corporate perform- ance are clearly analyzed. Finally some suggestions and advice are provided for managers to implement strategic control better and efficiently.
作者 程钰 张卓
出处 《盐城工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期38-42,共5页 Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 战略控制 环境动态性 企业绩效 高技术企业 strategic control environmental dynamism corporate performance high - tech enterprises
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