
油基钻井液流变参数影响因素探讨 被引量:6

Discussion on influencing factors of rheological parameters of oil-based drilling fluid
摘要 测试不同油基钻井液体系不同温度下的流变参数,并对其在不同温度下的流变模式进行拟合。实验结果表明,以5号白油为基础油配制的不同油基钻井液体系在4-65℃内都属于赫巴流变模式。采用正交设计和极差分析的方法研究了钻井液各组分对钻井液赫巴模式3参数的影响程度。结果表明,相对于其他因素,油水比对赫巴模式3参数的影响幅度最大,相同测试温度下,油水比越低,体系的动切力越大,流性指数越小,稠度指数越大。油水比对体系动切力的影响幅度随温度增加而降低,对流性指数的影响幅度随温度升高而增加,而对体系稠度系数的影响随温度升高变化不大。温度越高,钻井液体系的动切力和稠度指数越小。 The rheological parameters of different oil-based drilling fluid systems were tested at different temperature,and the rheological models of oil-based drilling fluid systems at different temperature were fitted. The results show that from 4 ℃ to 65 ℃,the rheological models of the mineral oil-based drilling fluid systems all belong to H-B model. The influence of each component of the drilling fluid systems on three parameters of H-B model is studied using orthogonal design and range analysis. The results show that oil-water ratio has the greatest influence in the parameters of H-B model. At the same temperature,the shear yield stress and the consistency index increase and the power law index decreases with the decreasing of the oil-water ratio. The influencing degree of the oil-water ratio on the shear yield stress decreases with the increase of temperature,the influencing degree of the oil-water ratio on the power law index increases with the increase of temperature,and the influence of the oil-water ratio on the consistency index has a little change with the increase of temperature. The yield stress and the consistency index decrease with the temperature rising.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期78-83,1,共6页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技重大专项(编号:2011ZX05030-005-07) 教育部创新团队资助项目(编号:IRT1086)
关键词 油基钻井液 赫巴流变模式 流变参数 影响因素 oil-based drilling fluid H-B rheological model rheological parameter influencing factor
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