

Multi-hierarchy of Homology
摘要 生物学中的同源概念可以区分为:分支分类学的同源、系统发育学同源、个体发育学同源以及分子同源。由于各学科研究目的和兴趣的不同,故而对同源概念的定义也不同。孤立同源定义会遇到不能解决的困难,区分同源的不同层次是解决这些困难的重要途径。艾瑞西夫斯基已经指出,对同源现象的多学科解释可以提高同源概念的解释力。 In biology, there are many definitions of homology, which are divided into cladistic classifi-cation homology, phylogenetic homology, ontogeny homology and molecule homology according to dif-ferent disciplines of biology. The different interesting and purposes of research result in the different definition of homology. Isolated definition of homology is confronted with many difficulties. Marc Ereshefsky indicated that the multi- discipline explanation in term of explainting the phenomenon of homology can improve explanatory power of the concept of homology.
作者 喻莉姣
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2014年第3期12-16,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
关键词 同源 同源层次 解释力 homology the levels of homology explanatory power
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