目的 :探讨鞘内化疗预防和治疗中枢神经系统白血病的临床疗效 ,以延长白血病患者的缓解期和生存期。方法 :鞘内化疗应用于 16例白血病患者。结果 :16例白血病患者中 ,12例属预防性 ,其中 10例未发现CNSL ,中数生存期 42月 ,生存期最长达 6 6月。 4例属治疗性 ,CNSL均完全缓解 ,中数生存期 36月 ,生存期最长达 6 0月。结论 :鞘内化疗在预防和治疗中枢神经系统白血病中疗效确切 ,效果满意。
Objective:To prevent and treat CNSL for prolonging remission and life of patients with leukemia.Methods:Intrathecal chemotherapy was applied in 16 patients with leukemia. Results:While 12 of 16 Cases with leukemia received intrathecal chemotherapy for preventing CNSL,no CNSL occurred to 10 cases of the 12 patients,except 2 cases.Their survival time of middle number was 42 months,and the longest survival time was 66 months.The chemotherapy was applied to treat 4 patients with CNSL.All the patients were complete remission.Their survival time of middle number was 36 months,and the longest survival time was 60 months.Conclusion:Intrathecal chemotherapy applied for CNSL is effective,and its result is satisfactory. [WT5”HZ]
Chinese Medicine of Factory and Mine