目的:观察雾化吸入三氧化二砷(As2O3)、吸入艾叶油对哮喘豚鼠嗜酸性粒细胞(EOS)及肺组织形态学的影响,探讨As2O3及艾叶油的平喘机制。方法采用卵白蛋白(OVA)致敏激发哮喘豚鼠模型60只,按随机排列表法分为As2O3雾化吸入组[As2O3低剂量组(B1组):2.0 mg/(kg·d)、As2O3高剂量组(B2组):4.0 mg/(kg·d)],联合用药组[低剂量组(C1组):2.0 mg/(kg·d)+艾叶油0.05 ml、高剂量组(C2组):4.0 mg/(kg·d)+艾叶油0.10 ml],生理盐水雾化吸入组(哮喘模型组,A组)及正常对照组(D组),均用药7 d后,比较支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中EOS的变化;制备豚鼠肺组织病理标本,观察肺组织炎症改变;制备肺组织电镜标本,观察嗜酸细胞的凋亡和肺泡上皮细胞的修复。结果 B1组、B2组、C1组、C2组、D组的嗜酸性粒细胞数[分别为(26.37±1.12)×105个、(11.50±1.61)×105个、(14.16±4.88)×105个、(5.03±1.66)×105个、(0.35±0.16)×105个],与A组[(58.08±19.01)×105个]比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);B1组与B2组比较、B1组与C1组比较、B1组与C1组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);B2与C2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 EOS凋亡异常是支气管哮喘的一个重要发病机制,As2O3平喘的机制与减少嗜酸细胞浸润及促进嗜酸细胞凋亡有关;艾叶油平喘的机制与减少嗜酸细胞浸润有关。较小剂量的As2O3及艾叶油联合雾化吸入可安全有效的达到平喘的作用,二者联合应用有协同作用。
Objective The experiment was designed to observe the effect of inhaled arsenic trioxide(As2O3)and in combination with inhaled moxa leaf oil on eosinophils(EOS)and lung tissue's morphology in asthmatic guinea pigs, and to explore its mechanism of relieving wheezing. Methods The ovalbumin(OVA)-induced asthmatic guinea pig model was established. Sixty guinea pigs were randomly divided into As2O3 atomization inhalation group B1 As2O3 low dose group:2.0 mg/(kg·d), B2 As2O3 high dose group:4.0 mg/(kg·d), combined treatment group C1 low dose group:2.0 mg/(kg·d)+moxa leaf oil 0.05 ml, C2 high dose group: 4.0 mg/(kg·d)+moxa leaf oil 0.10 ml, saline aerosol inhalation group(group A) asthma model group)and normal control group(group D)according to random permutation table method. After 7 days medicated, the EOS in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF)were compared. Guinea pig lung, heart, liver and kidney pathological specimens were prepared and the change of the lung tissue's inflammation and heart, liver and kidney tissue were investigated. Lung tissue’s electron microscopy specimens were prepared and the apoptosis of acidophilic cells and repair of alveolar epithelial cells were observed. Results Compared with asthma model group's EOS number[(58.08±19.01)×105], the difference in As2O3 low dose group、As2O3 high dose group、combined treatment low dose group、combined treatment high dose group and normal control group[(26.37±1.12)×105, (11.50±1.61)×105, (14.16±4.88)×105, (5.03±1.66)×105 and(0.35±0.16)×105, respectively] were statistically significant(P<0.01); there was statistical difference between As2O3 low dose group and As2O3 high dose group(P<0.01);There was statistical difference between As2O3 low dose group and combined treatment low dose group(P<0.01);There was statistical difference between As2O3 high dose group and combined treatment high dose group(P<0.05). Compared with combined treatment high dose group, difference in As2O3 low dose group、As2O3 high dose group and combined treatment low dose group was statistically significant(P<0.05). The difference in B1, B2, C1, C2 and D group was statistically significant compared with group A (P<0.01). The difference in B1 and B2, B1 and C1 group was statistically significant (P<0.01). The difference between B2 and C2 group was statistically significant(P<0.05). The difference in C2 group was statistically significant compared with group B1, B2 and C1(P<0.05). Conclusion EOS abnormal apoptosis was an important pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. The mechanism of arsenic trioxide anti-asthma was that arsenic trioxide could reduce acidophil infiltration and promote acidophilic cell apoptosis. The mechanism of moxa leaf oil anti-asthma was it could reduce acidophil infiltration. Smaller doses of the combination of inhaled As2O3 and moxa leaf oil was safe and effective to achieve the effect of relieving wheezing and the combined use had synergy.
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine