

Dust Explosion Properties of Aluminum,Titanium,Zinc and Iron Based Alloy Powders Used for Cold Spray
摘要 冷喷涂工艺通常采用较热喷涂更细小粒径的金属粉末,而且粉末颗粒在喷涂中没有经历熔化过程,所以较热喷涂颗粒中的氧化物夹杂少。正因如此,有必要对工业、研发用冷喷涂工艺中的粉尘爆炸和燃烧特性进行研究,这不仅是为了防止粉末在喷涂中爆炸或燃烧,更为保护工人的健康和安全。为使冷喷涂在工业上得到很好的应用,有必要在风险评估的基础上对其进行风险管理,然而关于此风险评估的研究鲜有报道。本文依据JIS Z 8818-《可燃粉尘的最低浓度限度测试方法》、IEC61241-2-3(1994-09)第三节-《粉尘/空气混合物的最小点火能量测定方法》和JIS Z 8817-《可燃粉尘的爆炸压力及压力上升速率的测试方法》来测定冷喷涂用铝基、钛基、锌基、铁基合金粉末的粉尘爆炸特性。 Cold-spray processing typically employs finer and smaller-diameter metal powders than those of the conventional thermal spraying powders. Furthermore, cold-sprayed particles exhibit fewer oxides than thermally sprayed particles due to the absence of particle melting during spraying. For these reasons, it is necessary to give extra attention to dust explosion and dust fire when using the cold spray, for industrial and R&D purposes. The dust explosion properties of metal powders used for the cold spray were examined for the purpose of not only preventing the dust explosions and fires, but also protecting the workers' safety and health. In order to utilize this new technology of cold spray for industrial use, it is necessary to manage the risks based on risk assessment. However, there are few research reports focused on such risk management. Therefore, in this study, the dust explosion properties of aluminum, titanium, zinc and iron based alloy powders were evaluated by JIS Z 8818: "Test method for minimum explosible concentration of combustible dusts", IEC61241-2-3(1994-09) Section3: "Method for determining minimum ignition energy dust/air-mixtures" , and JIS Z 8817: "Test method for explosion pressure and rate of pressure rise of combustible dusts" . This paper reports on the dust explosion properties of the above-mentioned metal powders.
出处 《热喷涂技术》 2014年第1期53-58,39,共7页 Thermal Spray Technology
关键词 冷喷涂 合金粉末 粉尘爆炸特性 风险评估 Cold Spray Alloy Powders Dust Explosion Properties Risk Assessment
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