目的 了解爆炸性武器致胸部损伤的伤情特点、致伤机制和病理生理变化的一般规律。 方法 采用73m m预制钢珠弹进行静爆 ,依距爆炸中心距离的不同 ,30只绵羊随机分为 5组 ,观察破片、冲击波对胸壁和肺脏的损伤情况 ,以及周围组织脏器损伤情况。 结果 现场死亡率 5 6 .7%,破片伤以盲管伤为主 ,伤道复杂、弯曲 ,常合并心肌挫伤、肝脾破裂、胃肠破裂、严重肺出血和肺水肿等。致伤参数与胸部损伤之间有相关关系。 结论 破片动能、破片伤数量等致伤参数与胸部损伤之间密切相关 ,爆炸性武器致胸部损伤伤情复杂、严重。
Objective\ To observe the characteristic, mechanisms and the change of pathophysiology about thoracic explosive injury from an explosive device.\ Methods\ Seventy three millimetres prefabricated steel ball bomb was used to be the center of explosion. According to the distance from each group to the center of explosion, 30 sheep were randomly divided into 5 groups. The injuries of thoracic wall, lung and surrounding organs were observed from fragments and blast wave.\ Results\ The mortality of thoracic explosive injury on the ground testing was 56 7%.Most of fragment wounds were blind wound. The track of wounds was often complicated and curved. The major associated injuries were myocardial contusion, splenic hepatic rupture and gastric enteric rupture. There were much severe pulmonary hemorrhage and lung edema. The parameters of trauma were well correlated with the severity of thoracic injury. Conclusion\ The parameters of trauma were well correlated with the severity of thoracic injury. The characteristic of thoracic injury from explosive device was more complicated and severe.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Explosive injury
\ Thoracic injury
\ Lung