
喷丸处理对S30432锅炉管抗蒸汽氧化性能的影响 被引量:9

Influences of Shot Blasting on Steam Oxidation Resistance of S30432 Boiler Tubes
摘要 对喷丸和未喷丸的国产和进口S30432钢管试样分别进行了670、730、760和790℃各l000h蒸汽氧化试验,并对蒸汽氧化试验后的试样进行了宏观、氧化增重、金相等试验分析.结果表明,喷丸处理可以显著提高S30432锅炉管内壁的抗蒸汽氧化性能,约可使氧化速率降低一个数量级;在1000h蒸汽氧化试验条件下,1号试样氧化皮快速生长的临界温度在730~760℃,3号试样氧化皮快速生长的临界温度在760~790℃.进口管样氧化膜快速生长的临界温度比国产管样高约30℃,抗蒸汽氧化能力更强. The 1 000-hour steam oxidation test was carried out on the domestic and imported, with and without shot blasting S30432 steel tube samples at temperatures of 670 ℃, 730 ℃, 760 ℃ and 790 ℃, respectively. The analysis in respect of macroseopical quality, oxidation weigh gain and metallographic performance was also conducted on tile samples "after the test. The test results show that shot blasting on the tube inner surface can significantly improve the steam oxidation resistance of the $30432 boiler tubes, and the oxidation rate can be decreased by about an order of magnitude. In the test condition of 1 000-hour steam oxidation, the critical temperature of rapid oxide skin growth ranges between 730 ℃ and 760 ℃ for Sample 1 and between 760 ℃ and 790 ℃ for Sample 3. The critical temperature of imported tube samples is 30 ℃ higher than that of the domestic tube samples, which indicates the better steam oxidation resistance.
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期9-13,21,共6页 Electric Power
关键词 锅炉 S30432钢 蒸汽氧化 喷丸处理 临界温度 boiler S30432 steel steam oxidation shot blasting critical temperature
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