As the agricultural heritage,Hani terrace is not only culturally authentic and non- renew able,but has its ow n characteristics. Firstly,it is a kind of economic and social mode of production. Secondly,it reflects the idea of harmonious and sustainable development betw een human beings and nature. T hirdly,the participation of human beings — or farmers is important. As a result,to exploit and protect the agricultural heritage,it is crucial to balance systematic protection and sustainable development in order to realize dynamic protection. In addition,the agricultural heritage shall be treated as the driving agent to coordinate the social and economic development. T hrough analyzing the characteristics of the agricultural heritage and the concept of protecting the agricultural heritage,this paper proposes to promote the protection of agricultural authenticity by alternative tourism development in order to balance the development and realize the sustainability of the agricultural dynamic system.
As the agricultural heritage, Hani terrace is not only culturally authentic and non- renewable, but has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is a kind of economic and social mode of production. Secondly, it reflects the idea of harmonious and sustainable development between human beings and nature. Thirdly, the participation of human beings -- or farmers is important. As a result, to exploit and protect the agricultural heritage, it is crucial to balance systematic protection and sustainable development in order to realize dynamic protection. In addition, the agricultural heritage shall be treated as the driving agent to coordinate the social and economic development. Through analyzing the characteristics of the agricultural heritage and the concept of protecting the agricultural heritage, this paper proposes to promote the pro- tcction of agricultural authenticity by alternative tourism development in order to balance the development and realize the sustainability of the agricultural dynamic system.
This paper is the phased achievement of the key program of the social science fund of the Education Department of Yunnan Province-R esearch on the Bridgehead Strategy of the Yunnan Frontier culture(N o.:2012Z059)