
国外社会旅游研究回顾与评述 被引量:1

摘要 诞生于欧洲的社会旅游,在以改善民生、提高社会福祉、推动社会平等为宗旨的社会公共政策中发挥了重要作用。本文系统回顾了国外有关社会旅游的英文研究文献,从‘社会旅游’术语的由来入手,对社会旅游的缘起及其特征进行了归纳;研究详细评述了社会旅游的概念、运作机制、发展缘由、价值及效益评价和在各国的发展模式等;最后对未来研究亟待深化之处作了简要展望,以期为在我国的制度环境下推行社会旅游公共政策及其研究的本土化提供借鉴和参考。 Social tourism, which was started in Europe, is a potentially valuable solution for tourism/holidays participation of the social disadvantaged populations, solving social exclusion and promoting social integra- tion, and improving social well-being etc. Westem research in the field of social tourism began in the middle of 20th century, covering the origins of social tourism, concepts, operation mechanism, values and evaluation, as well as the practices in countries. Compared with this, Chinese scholars are rarely involved in this field, and even social tourism is still a fairly new concept in China. In view of this, this article tries to have an over- all review of the English literatures on social tourism in the West. Firstly, the paper generalizes the origin of the term 'social tourism' and some viewpoints on the beginning of social tourism; furthermore, the character- istics of social tourism are concluded, including socialization, public non-profit, and intervention etc. Second- ly, this paper comprehensively and exhaustively reviews and analyses the main research topics of social tour- ism in the West, such as: 1) the concepts and definitions of social tourism. Since there still has been no gener- al concept up to now, this research classifies the existing concepts into three types based on different perspec- tives of definers: definitions of demand perspective, definitions of supply perspective, defmitions of both de- mand and supply perspective; 2) the operation mechanism of social tourism, namely, 'who are the interven- ers', 'who are the beneficiaries' and 'how to intervene'; 3) explanation of the reasons for the development of social tourism from the perspectives of tourism rights and ethics respectively; 4) how to evaluate the values and effects of social tourism; 5) the development models of social tourism in different countries.
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期13-20,共8页 Human Geography
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(10YC790207)
关键词 社会旅游 干预 旅游权利 伦理道 公共政策 social tourism intervention tourism rights ethics public and social policy
  • 相关文献


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