本文报道了对我国著名的南药之一的巴戟天(Morinda officinalis How)试管苗培养的研究结果,为这种名贵药材的优良种苗的快速大量繁殖和抗性良种的选育提供了新途径。结果表明:(1)对巴戟天外植体(顶芽、腋芽、茎段和叶片)的较好的消毒方法是:外植体经自来水洗净→70%乙醇预处理5秒钟→0.1%HgCl_2溶液中消毒10至15分钟→无茵水漂洗5次,其消毒效果为70~75%,对外植体基本无损伤; (2)顶芽和腋芽的培养效果比茎段和叶片的培养效果好,因此应优先择选顶芽和腋芽为巴戟天试管苗的起始培养物; (3)试管苗的最佳培养程序为:经消毒的顶芽或腋芽在增殖培养基(MS+NAA0.5+BA6.0+GA。1.0+3%蔗糖,单位:mg/L.下同。)中培养40天后可分化出丛生的不定芽(分化率为86.7%),将这些不定芽转入生根培养基(1/2MS+IAA0.2+NAA0.4+1%蔗糖)中培养30天即可分化生根形成完整的巴戟天试管苗,其根分化率为84.6%。试管苗经过两周的沙培室内炼苗后即可移栽盆植,约1~2个月后即可移栽至露天土地种植,移栽成活率大干90%。
The results of the research on cultivation of test-tube young plants of Morinda Officinalis How are reported in this paper, which provide a new way for rapid cultivation on a large scale and for resistence seedling selection of these plants. The results showed that: 1) The better sterilization method for explants (apical buds, axillary buds, segments of stem and leaflet) was that rinsing the explants with tap water→pretreatment with 70% ethanol for 5 seconds→sterilizing with 0.1% Hgcl_2 solution for 10 to 15 minutes→rinsing with sterilized distilled water 5 times. 2) The culture efficiency of apical buds or axillary buds was higher than that of segments of stem and leaflet. 3) The best procedure of test-tube plant cultivation was that sterilized apical buds or axillary buds were cultured on the multiplicating agar medium, clustered adventitious buds were differentiated from those explants after 40 days of culture. They were then subcultured on the rooting agar medium, and after 30 days of culture became the test-tube plants. The test-tube plants were cultivated in indoor sand culture for two weeks, and then transplanted to pot culture for about 1-2 months. Afterwards they were transplanted in the open-air for cultivation.
RADIX MORINDAE OFFICINALIS/growth and development