
爱拔益加肉公鸡骨骼肌生长发育规律及组织学特性 被引量:8

Skeletal Muscle Growth,Development and Histological Characteristics of Arbor Acres Broilers
摘要 本试验旨在研究爱拔益加(AA)肉公鸡骨骼肌的生长发育规律和组织学特性,建立骨骼肌纤维直径与活重、肌肉重的异速生长模型,为营养因子调控骨骼肌的生长发育提供理论支持。选用1日龄AA肉公鸡84只(1个组),随机分为6个重复(笼),每个重复14只鸡。按照NRC(1994)推荐营养水平配制饲粮,自由采食和饮水。结果表明:Gompertz模型能较好拟合AA肉公鸡活重、胸肌重和腿肌重随日龄的变化关系,R2≥0.97,拐点日龄分别为41.18、35.64和38.63日龄。骨骼肌纤维直径随日龄增加不断增加,同日龄不同骨骼肌纤维直径和生长强度不同,胸肌纤维在7日龄生长强度最高,大腿肌纤维在14、35日龄生长强度最高,小腿肌纤维在14日龄生长强度最高。幂回归能较好拟合肌纤维直径随日龄的变化关系,R2≥0.91。胸肌、大腿肌、小腿肌纤维直径与活重的曲线回归异速方程拟合结果分别以幂回归和多项式回归、多项式回归、多项式回归和线性回归最好;胸肌纤维直径随胸肌重变化的拟合方程中以幂回归、多项式回归最好,R2≥0.99,大腿肌纤维直径随腿肌重变化的拟合方程中以多项式回归最好,R2=0.97,小腿肌纤维直径随腿肌重变化拟合方程中以对数回归、多项式回归最好,R2≥0.99。以上F检验均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。 The skeletal muscle growth, development and histological characteristics of Arbor Acres (AA) male broilers were investigated and the models of allometric relationships between skeletal muscle fiber diameter and live weight, muscle weight were established in order to provide a theoretical basis for nutritional factors regulating the growth and development of skeletal muscle. A total of 84 one-day-old AA male broilers (one group) were randomly designed into 6 replicates with 14 broilers per replicate. Broilers were fed with standard diets that were formulated according to the nutrition levels recommended by National Requirement Council (1994). Feed and water were fed ad libitum. The results showed as follows: the equations between live weight, breast muscle weight and thigh muscle weight and age were better fitted with Gompertz functional e- quation (R^2 ≥0.97 ). The growth inflexion for live weight, breast muscle weight and thigh muscle weight were the ages of 41.18, 35.67 and 38.63 days, respectively. Skeletal muscle fiber diameters were increased with the days of age increasing, the diameters and growth intensities of different skeletal muscle fibers were dif- ferent on the same day of age. The max growth intensity for breast muscle, biceps femoris muscle and gastroc- nemius muscle fiber diameters was found at the age of 7 days, 14 and 35 days and 14 days, respectively. The power regression could better fitting the correlation between muscle fiber diameter and days of age (R^2≥ 0.91 ). The correlations between breast muscle, biceps femoris muscle, gastrocnemius muscle fiber diameters and live weight were better fitted with power regression and polynomial regression, polynomial regression, pol- ynomial regression and linearity regression, respectively. The correlation between breast muscle fiber diameter and breast muscle weight was better fitted with power regression and polynomial regression ( R^2 ≥ 0.99 ). The correlation between gastrocnemius muscle fiber diameter and thigh muscle weight was better fitted with polyno- mial regression ( R^2 = 0.97 ). The correlation between biceps femoris muscle fiber diameter and thigh muscle weight was better fitted with logarithmic regression and polynomial regression (R^2 ≥0.99 ). All the results of F-test were significant ( P 〈 0.01 ). [ Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2014, 26 ( 4 ) : 1085-10941
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期1085-1094,共10页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 现代农业产业技术体系专项基金(CARS-42)
关键词 AA肉公鸡 胸肌 腿肌 肌纤维 曲线拟合 Arbor Acres male broiler breast muscle thigh muscle muscle fiber curve-fitting
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