
美国突发事件应急准备理念的新特点及启示 被引量:12

The New Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Idea on USA Emergency Preparedness
摘要 2011年以来,美国突发事件应急准备理念发生了重大变化,这使得许多相关技术、方法等均开始修订和完善。因此,研究美国突发事件应急准备理念的最新进展对于推进我国应急准备工作具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。基于美国政府最新出台的与应急准备相关的法律、法规、指南、标准等,深入剖析美国突发事件应急准备理念的3个核心元素(概念内涵、愿景目标和能力体系)发展动态,提出对我国加快推进国家应急准备工作的建议:①高度重视国家应急准备工作,研究、整合并构建国家级综合应急管理系统;②修订应急管理基本法和总体预案,加快配套法律法规等文件的出台;③准确定位"应急预案",推动应急规划的"规范化"、"动态化"与"全民化";④加快应急管理学科发展,助力应急管理专业人才培养。 Since 2011, great changes have taken place in the concept of America emergency preparedness, which makes many related technologies and methods begin to be revised and perfected. Research on the latest de- velopments of the concept of America emergency preparedness is of important theoretical value and practical signifi- cance for promoting emergency preparedness in China. Based on the relevant documents, laws, regulations, guide- lines and standards on the emergency preparedness promulgated presently in the United States, developing trends of the three core elements ( that is, connotation of the concept, vision and ability system) of the concept of America e- mergency preparedness are analyzed. Suggestions on accelerating the national emergency preparedness in China are put forward: (1) Attaching great importance to the national emergency preparedness work, studying and integrating, and building a national comprehensive emergency management system. (2) Revising the basic law of emergency management and the overall plan, and speeding up the matching of the file such as the laws and regulations. (3) Accurately positioning the contingency plans, and pushing the emergency planning of normalization, dynamic and universal. (4) To speed up the emergency management discipline development and help train the emergency man- agement professional talent.
作者 吴晓涛
出处 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期123-127,共5页 Journal of Catastrophology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71103058 71203057) 教育部人文社科基金项目(12YJCZH292) 河南省教育厅自然科学基金项目(2011A620001) 河南省教育厅人文社科项目(2013-GH-078) 河南理工大学青年骨干教师基金(649220) 河南理工大学博士基金(B2011-005)
关键词 应急准备 应急管理 美国 emergency preparedness emergency management USA
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