This study conducted a generalized experiment of non-uniform sediment to examine the formation pattern of delta deposition in shallow and narrow water basins caused by water and sediment flow from the mountains. A test of 425 hours long is presented in this paper and its results are summarized as follows. In overall, the depositing body advances longitudinally first, then silts up gradually, and finally expand transversly. At the stage of initial 266 hours, straight and branching channels appear alternately on the body surface with a switch period of 30 hours, and the depositing body advances roughly along the stright channel but its front takes a swinging manner. This continues until the thickness-depth ratio reaches 0.8, and then the upper channel starts flowing transversely in branching forms, carrying sediment to the side regions of the channel. At the stage afterward, longitudinal bed gradient becomes greater as the depositing zone has expanded quite long. On the bed a slightly curved channel has formed and the front maintains its swing motion that is energized by the swing mainstream of the channel. The longitudinally advancing rate is decreasing with time until eventually appraoching a steady value of roughly 0.05m/h. As for bed elevation change, in the upper section the deposited sediment is spreaded uniformly over the bed; in the middle and lower sections the depositing takes a periodical way as a result of main channel swing between the left and right sides. The bed rising rate is decreasing with time until becoming steady at a rate of about 0.027cm/h. As for tranverse spreading in the upper section, after the deposition front stoped advancing the water and sediment flow starts spreading tranversely in the form of cave mouths on the left and right sides, first in the direction normal to the side walls and then along different channel directions under the action of erosion.
Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering
river sedimentation engineering
formation pattern
generalized experiment
delta deposition