
概率两重性探讨 被引量:1

Research on Duality of Probability
摘要 概率自出现就带有本体论性质和认识论性质的两重性。不仅古典概率论时期的概率理论,而且现代的概率理论对概率的解释都各有侧重和不同,形成诸多概率解释理论。不过,以概率的两重性作为划分准则,大致可归结为概率的客观解释和主观解释。由于解释者的立场和观点、以及应用领域的差异,由此产生一系列争论。鉴于概率的两重性,对客观概率和主观概率、以及概率适用领域不能绝对地进行非此即彼的主客分离,对于概率的不同解释理论要慎言虚妄,概率本身就是亦此亦彼的主客统一体。 Since the probability emerges, it has duality including the properties of ontology and epistemology. Not only during the stage of the classical probability theory, but of the modern, the interpretative theories of probability are different which are focussing on different aspects and there were many interpretative theories of probability. However, according to a criterion of the duality, they can be roughly divided into the objective and subjective interpretation of probability. Owing to differences in positions and views, as well as applications, there were many arguments about theories of probability. Considering the duality, as to the objective and sbujective probability, as well as applications, it is unacceptable that the probability is separated into either an objective or subjective probability absolutely. For different interpretations of probability theory, it has to be cautious to say what is false or invalid. Probability itself is the unity of both the subjective and the objective.
作者 季爱民
机构地区 安徽师范大学
出处 《铜陵学院学报》 2014年第1期84-88,共5页 Journal of Tongling University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"博弈论的哲学基础及应用功能研究"(09BZ015) 国家社会科学基金项目"科学问题的评价指标研究"(11BZX031)
关键词 概率 两重性 客观解释 主观解释 亦此亦彼 probability duality the objective interpretation of probability the subjective interpretation of probability both A and B
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