
国内外喷灌对作物及土壤的影响机理研究 被引量:2

Summary on the effect of sprinkling irrigation on corps and soil at home and abroad
摘要 针对目前喷灌技术对土壤及作物影响方面还存在争论,就国内外喷灌对作物及土壤的影响研究进行了较为系统的综述,旨在分析喷灌在不同地区的应用对作物以及土壤的影响,为喷灌在国内的应用提供依据。 A systematic summary on the effect of sprinkling irrigation on corps and soil at home and abroad was made as there are still debates on the influence of sprinkling irrigation on crops and soil at present. This summary is aimed at analyzing the application of sprinkling irrigation in different section and the effects on crops and soil, which can give basis for the domestic application of sprinkling irrigation.
出处 《北京水务》 2014年第2期29-31,共3页 Beijing Water
关键词 喷灌 节水 土壤养分 作物响应 sprinkling irrigation water saving soil nutrient crop reaction
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