采用涡凹气浮-高效厌氧反应器-膜生物反应器组合工艺对聚四氢呋喃(PTMEG)生产废水进行现场中试。试验结果表明:在进水CODCr、BOD5、NH3-N的平均质量浓度分别为6 510、3 110、24 mg/L条件下,经过该工艺处理后,出水CODCr、BOD5、NH3-N的平均质量浓度分别为44、4.4、小于1 mg/L。出水水质达到了GB8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》一级标准的要求。
An on-site pilot test on treatment of wastewater from PTMEG production by combined process of CAF-efficient anaerobic bioreactor-MBR was carried out. The test results showed that: when the average mass concentrations of CODc, BODs, NFI3-N were 6 510, 3 110 and 24 mg/L respectively, through the treatment by the said process, the relevant indexes of the effluent water were 44, 4.4 and lower than 1 mg/L respectively, which met the specification of grade 1 in CB 8978--1996 Intergrated wastewater discharge standard.
Industrial Water & Wastewater