
六轴机械臂在冰箱能耗检测线中的轨迹分析 被引量:1

Trajectory Analysis of Six Degrees of the Freedom Manipulator in Refrigerator Energy Detection
摘要 针对在冰箱能耗检测中,人工开关冰箱门所带来的能耗误差等问题,提出了一种使用六轴机械臂控制冰箱开关门的方法,该方法对能耗检测中的机械臂开关门运动轨迹进行了分析,并通过对机械臂建模,分析其各关节的运动位姿,然后由位姿得到机械臂的各关节角度,并对其进行仿真分析,验证了机械臂开关冰箱门动作的正确性。 This paper proposes a method for six degree of freedom manipulator to control refrigerator switch-door to deal with the errors caused by manual switch-door in refrigerator energy detection. This method analyzes the trajec- tory of manipulator switch-door in refrigerator energy detection. The position and orientation of each joint movement is analyzed by setting up the model of the manipulators to get the angle of each manipulator joint. Simulation analysis verifies the accuracy of the manipulators switch-door movements.
出处 《电子科技》 2014年第4期41-43,47,共4页 Electronic Science and Technology
基金 电子科学与技术湖南省重点学科建设基金资助项目 湖南省科技厅计划基金资助项目(2011GK3116)
关键词 六轴机械臂 轨迹分析 运动控制 six degrees of freedom manipulator tarjectory analysis motion control
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