
加速度对丁羟推进剂燃速影响的研究 被引量:6

Study of the Acceleration Effects on the Burning Rate of HTPB Propellant
摘要 通过试验研究了加速度场中丁羟推进剂的燃速的加速度敏感性。另外从加速度力作用下燃烧区压缩导致热反馈增大角度出发 ,建立了加速度条件下推进剂稳态燃烧模型 ,并编程计算、分析了影响推进剂燃速敏感性的因素 。 In the paper, the acceleration effects on the burning rate of HTPB propellant are presented. Through the experiments of motors in the acceleration field, the experimental data can be got, inclouding the effects of the acceleration level and the acceleration orientation. Then based on the phenomenological model and multi flame of BOP model, the model of the burning rate augmentation in the acceleration field has been built. The experimental data and the model data are uniform. The model can be available for reference to the qualitative analysis of the design of SRM.
作者 郭彤 侯晓
出处 《火炸药学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期30-32,共3页 Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants
关键词 固体推进剂 丁羟推进剂 加速度 燃速 稳态燃烧模型 Solid propellant motor Acceleration Burning rate Model of burning rate augmentation
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