

An Analysis of Qu Qiubai's Traditional-styled Poems' Aesthetics of Acceptance Ecology towards Classical Verses
摘要 瞿秋白是集革命家、理论家、宣传家、文学家、诗人于一身的我党早期卓越领导人之一。秋白的旧体诗词意蕴深厚、意境醇雅、形式多样、古色古香,别具艺术审美价值。就诗人旧体诗词对传统古典韵文接受生态之视角,对其集句诗、仿拟诗、打油诗以及意境与诗源之美接受诸问题进行探讨发现,其旧体诗词既有对于古典韵文外在形式的仿拟,又有对于古典韵文内在意境的汲取,内外结合,形神兼备,"采铜于山","自铸伟词",出神入化,从而构成了秋白旧体诗词的真、善、美与雅、婉、秀兼容并茂的艺术审美特征。秋白旧体诗词之美,主要源于家乡贤哲的熏陶、书香门第的承传、勤学苦读的磨砺及其时代风云的激荡等因素。秋白旧体诗词,无愧为中国三千年诗歌花园中的一株艳丽夺目而雅婉凄美的奇葩。 As an outstanding leader of the Communist Party of China in its very early period, Qu Qiubai was a revo-lutionary, theorist, publicist, man of letters and poet in one. Profound in meaning, simple and elegant in imagery, diversified in form, and classical in flavor, Qu's traditional-styled poems possess high artistic aesthetic value. From the angle of his traditional-styled poems' ecological acceptance of traditional verses, this paper discusses the imagery centering around the atmosphere and the acceptance of source poems' s beauty and finds that there are resemblances between Qu's traditional-styled poems and traditional poems both in outer form and inner imagery. In Qu's poems, there is a unity between form and spirit, as well as inside and out. "Gathering essence from nature", and "creating his great chapters", his poems are so marvellous as to shape artistic features like elegance, gentleness and refine- ment, as well as truthfulness, goodness, and beauty. His traditional-styled poems derive their beauty from his in-dustry, the era he was born in, his birth in a literary family, and his exposure to the sages and saints in his home-town. Qu's traditional-styled poems well deserve the reputation of "unique, bright-colored flowers with dazzling beauty, elegance and pathos in the 3,000-Year Chinese Garden of Poems".
作者 李金坤
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期57-69,共13页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
关键词 瞿秋白 旧体诗词 古典韵文 接受生态 Qu Qiubai traditional-styled poems classical verses acceptance ecology
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  • 1冯昕,李奇雅.试论家乡常州对瞿秋白的影响[M]//瞿秋白纪念馆.瞿秋白研究:第13辑.上海:上海社会科学出版社,2005.








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