
基于LLVM的程序关注点影响分析 被引量:1

LLVM-based Impact Analysis on Program Concerns
摘要 在LLVM中间形式上,得到影响某特定程序关注点的程序片段,削减不相关部分。基于Andersen指向分析算法构建准确的调用图,得到程序执行中可能到达给定程序节点的基本块;根据指向分析、调用图及调用点处的修改信息,得到了影响关注点的程序片段。实验结果表明,本方法可高效计算出影响程序关注点的程序子集并得到正确的削减片段。 At LLVM intermediate representation level, we obtained program snippets that have influences on special program con- cerns and pruned those unrelated parts. By building accurate call graphs based on Andersen' s points-to analysis, we got the basic blocks that reach the specific program node during execution; with the help of call graph and the modification information, we generated slices affecting the p/'ogram point. Experimental result shows that this applied approach can compute subset that has im- pact on the program point efficiently and correctly.
作者 陈泓旭
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第4期203-207,共5页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 LLVM中间形式 影响分析 可达性分析 程序切片 LLVM IR impact analysis reachabitity analysis program slicing
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