The "insider institution" demonstrates that it is beneficial to encourage and guide these experiments to push forward the creation and energy of the institution, which matches the practical logos of trialanderror experiences. And as the same, the kinetics of competition shows that the provincial government and the "deputy" in the government would provide the premium "nonmarketprovided goods and services" or "governmentsupplied goods and services" to appeal to the superiority in resources and the progression in locals, which is to strengthen the competition and the production in locals mutually. So the competition of local governments shift from the rival hardware in infrastructures and beneficial policies to the rival software in the ruleoflaw systems that would initiatively return to "limited government" to improve the democratic election and to uncover the power resources, which is about to be the primary direction for local ruleoflaw system in next step. It would be guided as the approach to citizen cultivation, society reactivity and government reshaping by the practical issues of current local reforms and set up the red line of effective legal system under the regional development of capitaldriving model.
China Legal Science