
一种新型壳聚糖/聚乙二醇丙烯酸酯复合水凝胶制备与性能研究 被引量:2

Preparation and Properties of a Novel Chitosan /PEGDA Composite Hydrogels
摘要 用天然壳聚糖接枝环氧聚乙二醇单甲醚和丙烯酰氯制备了大分子单体,采用核磁共振对合成单体进行了分析表征。合成的单体在光引发条件下制备了壳聚糖类大分子单体/聚乙二醇丙烯酸酯(PEGDA)复合水凝胶,研究了接枝度对该凝胶溶胀度、粘弹性、失重率的影响,电镜扫描对合成单体和水凝胶形态进行了表征。结果表明:壳聚糖上环氧聚乙二醇单甲醚和丙烯酰氯接枝率分别为16%和15%,所制备的复合水凝胶随着丙烯酰氯接枝度的提高,溶胀度、失重率逐渐降低。 A novel amphiphilic chitosan derivate, aeryloyl-PEG-chitosan was synthesisized by ring-open reaction and homogeneous reaction. 1H-NMR was performed to characterize the macromonomer. Which showed that the degree of grafting values of mPEG and acryloyl was obtained, 16% and 15%, respectively. The acryloyl-PEG-chitosan/PEGDA composite hydrogel was prepared by photo initiator, this paper studied the grafting degree of acryloyl affect swelling rate, viscoelasticity, rate of weight loss of the hydrogel. The results showed the prepared composite hydrogel with the improvement of the degree of grafting of aeryloyl chloride, swelling, weight loss rate decreased.
出处 《合成材料老化与应用》 2014年第2期7-12,共6页 Synthetic Materials Aging and Application
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(10451401501004311)
关键词 大分子单体 聚乙二醇丙烯酸酯 交联度 水凝胶 macromonomer, PEGDA, crosslinking degree, hydrogel
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