Objective To understand the incidence of vaccine derived polio virus (VDPV) related polio and related factors and provide evidence for VDPV related polio prevention and control. Methods Literature review on oral polio vaccine (OPV) caused polio was conducted to understand the incidence of VDPV related polio, population distribution and virus types. Results Vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis cases have been reported in the world, which were mainly caused by polio virus type II and type I VDPV were the result of the gene mutation and genetic recombination of vaccine strain virus. Persons who are immune defect are prone to be affected by VDPV. Conclusion VDPV eradication is essential in the late stage of polio eradication. Some scholars have suggested to use inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) instead of OPV, or the combination of OPV and IPV
Disease Surveillance