Jorunal of Yunan University Law Edition
1People v. Rodriguez, 112 P. 3d 710.
2Adam M. Chud & Michael L. Berman, Six- member juries: does size really matter, 67 Tenn. L. Rev. 743,744(Spring,2000).
3B. Thayer, The jury and its development, 5 Harv. L. R. 295(February 15, 1892).
4Robert H. Miller, Six of one is not a dozen of the other: a reexamination of Williams v. Florida and the size of state criminal juries, 146 U. Pa. L. Rev. 621,632 ( January , 1998 ).
5Robert H. Miller, Six of one is not a dozen of the other: a reexamination of Williams v. Florida and the size of state criminal juries, 146 U. Pa. L. Rev. 621,638 -639(January ,1998). Larry T. Bates, Trial by jury after Williams v. Florida,10 Hamline L. Rev. 61 (1987).
6Thompson v. Utah, 170 U.S. 343.
7Thompson v. Utah, 170 U.S. 343,346-347.
8Thompson v. Utah, 170 U. S. 343,349 - 350 ( 1898 ).
9Thompson v. Utah, 170 U. S. 343,350(1898).
10Capital Traction Co. v. Hof, 174 U. S. 1(1899).
1Shari Seidman Diamond,Mary R.Rose﹠Beth Murphy,Revisiting The Unanimity Requirement:the Behavior of the Non-unanimous CivilJury,100Northwestern University Law Review,229,230(2006).
2Jeremy Osher,Jury Unanimity in California:Should It Say or Should It Go?,29Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review,1323,1324(April,1996).
3James Kachmar,Silencing the Minorrity:Permitting Nonunanious Jury Verdicts in Crinminal Trials,28Pacific Law Journal,287,288(Fall,1996).
4Lisa Caucci,Evaluating the Constitutionality of Proposals to Allow Non-unanimous Juries to Impose the Death Penalty in Georgia,26GeoigiaState University Law Review,1003(Spring,2010).
5Glasser,Edward P.Schwartz,Warren F.Schwartz,Leib,Morehead.
6Edward P.Schwartz﹠Warren F.Schwartz,And So Say Some of Us……What to Do with When Jurors Disagree,9Southern California In-terdisciplinary Law Journal,429(Spring,2000).
7Jere W.Morehead,A“Modest”Proposal for Jury Reform:The Elimination of Required Unanimous Jury Verdicts,46Kansas Law Review,933(June,1998).
8Michael H.Glasser,Letting the Supermajority Rule:Nonunaimous Jury Verdicts in Criminal Trials,24Florida State University Law Review.659(1997).
9Ethan J.Leib,Supermajoritarianism and the American Criminal Jury,33Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly,141(Winter/Spring,2006).
10Mi-chael H.Glasser,Letting the Supermajority Rule:Nonunaimous Jury Verdicts in Criminal Trials,24Florida State University Law Review,659(1997).
2李锋.转型:政府规模与机构改革[J].理论月刊,2003(2):48-50. 被引量:1
4王磊.论英国陪审团的功能转变[J].贵州社会科学,2008(6):131-136. 被引量:1
5齐卫平.执政党组织规模问题的研究不要陷入误区[J].中国党政干部论坛,2012(12):36-38. 被引量:12
8林芳,谢辉.定位、关系、目标——知联会建设的三个命题[J].中央社会主义学院学报,2012(4):66-70. 被引量:3