本研究比较了夏季高温条件下南方地区发酵床与普通薄垫料养殖肉鸡的生产性能及其舍内环境差异,同时对比了添加不同菌种的发酵床平养肉鸡的效果.试验分3组,分别为添加菌种1、菌种2的发酵床及普通薄垫料组.每组一栏,每栏面积为64.5 m2,每栏矮脚黄公鸡雏680只,试验周期为63 d.结果表明:发酵床因其内在微生物分解鸡粪产热,会增加垫料温度,比普通薄垫料温度高2.23~2.45℃,但该发酵热对舍内温度影响不大;夏季南方发酵床平养肉鸡平均体重比普通垫料低50~80g/只,成活率低4.26%~4.50%,鸡群均匀度低3.94%~7.68%,但发酵床中的芽孢杆菌可抑制大肠杆菌和沙门菌繁殖,改善鸡群肠道健康,降低料肉比(2%),即夏季南方地区普通薄垫料平养肉鸡效果比发酵床好,但添加不同菌种的发酵床平养肉鸡的生产性能及舍内环境差别不大.
The objective of this study was to compare the henhouse environment and production performance of broilers kept on fermentation bed stocking system added different microbes and thin litter system. The henhouse was divided into three pens,they were thin litter system,fermentation bed system added probioties 1 and probiotics 2, respectively. The area of each pen was 64.5 square meters which reared 680 broilers for 63 days. The results showed that the temperature of fermentation bed system was higher than thin litter system (2.23 to 2.45 ℃),because of the fermentation heat produced by probiotics degraded chicken excreta,however,it had no influence on henhouse temperature. At the end of the test, compared with thin litter system,mean body weight,survival rate and uniformity of broilers kept on fermentation bed system decreased by 50 to 80 g per broiler,4.26% to 4.50% and 3.94% to 7.68%,respectively. But the probiotics added in fermentation bed system especially for Bacillus suppressed the growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella and could regulate intestinal health of broilers and (decrease feed/meat rate by 2% ). In short, in southern China, there was no difference in henhouse environment and broiler production performance between two fermentation bed systems, and thin litter breeding effect of system was better than fermentation bed system in summer.
China Poultry
fermentation bed
production performance