目的 分析郴州市老年人艾滋病疫情及流行特征,为针对性地开展该人群的艾滋病防控工作提供科学依据.方法 采用描述流行病学方法分析郴州市2006-2012年老年人艾滋病疫情. 结果 郴州市2006-2012年总报告HW/AIDS 781例,其中老年组161例(20.62%).2006年报告老年HIV/AIDS 2例(2.67%),2012年73例(35.27%),平均增长率为82.13%.疫情波及全市11个县市区,与总体病例分布一致.患者年龄50~86岁.男性占71.43%.农民及民工占47.21%,离退人员占21.12%.近一半为文盲及小学文化程度.98.14%病例经异性感染途径感染. 结论 郴州市老年艾滋病疫情发展迅速,应加强该人群艾滋病防控工作.
Objective To analyze the epidemic situation and epidemiological characteristics of elderly patients with HIV/AID,and to provide a scientific basis for the targeted prevention and control of HIV/AID.Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemic status of elderly patients with HIV/AID in Chenzhou from 2006 to 2012.Results A total of 781 HIV/AID cases were reported in Chenzhou during 2006-2012,including 161 elderly cases (20.62%).2 elderly cases of HIV/AID were reported in 2006 (2.67%),while 73 cases were reported in 2012 (35.27%),with an average increasing rate of 82.13%.Totally 11 counties in Chenzhou City were affected,which were consistent with the distribution of general cases.The patients ranged in age from 50 to 86 years.71.43% of the patients were male,47.21% were peasants and out-of-town labourers,and 21.12% were retirees.Nearly half of the patients were illiterate and primary-educated.98.14% of the cases were infected through heterosexual sex.Conclusions Since the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS among the elderly in Chenzhou City,the targeted prevention and control should be strengthened among them.
Practical Preventive Medicine
The elderly
Epidemiological characteristics