近年的研究表明, PKC涉及到细胞的周期调节。在酵母细胞和哺乳动物细胞均发现 PKC参与细胞周期调控,从而提示 PKC可能在进化上是一种保守的细胞周期调节子。一般认为 PKC在两个点上对细胞周期起作用,即 G1期和 G2期到 M期的过渡期(G2/M)。在 G1期, PKC分别在早 G1期和晚G1期作用有所不同,主要作用表现在使细胞停留在G1期的中末阶段,这一过程,主要涉及到抑制肿瘤抑制因子——成视网膜细胞瘤(Rb)蛋白的磷酸化。 PKC的主要作用是降低周期素依赖激酶CDK2的活性、降低周期素 E和 A的表达和增加周期素依赖的周期抑制蛋白 p21WAF1和 p27KIP1的表达;在 G2/M期, PKC对细胞周期的调节主要与 Cdc2(CDK1)的活性抑制有关。
Protein kinase C(PKC) is involved in diverse cellular function. Recently, that PKC on cell cycle control has began to emerge in both yeast and mammals,which suggest that PKC is a conserved regulator of cell cycle in evolution progression. PKC regulate cell cycle at two sites, G1 and G2/M transition. During G1 progression, PKC has different effects on early and later phases, and overall effect is to inhibit cell cycle at mid to late G1 through blocking phosphorylation of tumor suppressor retinoblastoma(Rb) protein. Furthermore, PKC reduce activity of cyclin-dependent kinase CDK2, inhibit expression of cyclin E and A and augment produce of cyclin-dependent inhibitors, p21WAF1 and p27KIP1; During G2/M boundary, PKC mainly inhibit activity of Cdc2 and prevent cell from entering M. In this paper, we will review PKC on cell cycle control.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences