
液质联用法测定黄酒中环匹阿尼酸 被引量:4

Detection of Cyclopiazonic Acid(CPA) in Yellow Rice Wine by HPLC-MS
摘要 采用高效液相色谱一三重四级杆质谱串联法(HPLC—MS/MS)技术,结合碱性甲醇水溶液及正己烷脱脂提取.乙酸铵水溶液与乙腈配比做流动相洗脱法,建立检测黄酒中环匹阿尼酸的分析方法。结果表明,液质联用法对黄酒中环匹阿尼酸检测限为50ug/kg,定量限为200ug/kg,线性范围为25~1050ug/kg(R〉0.999),回收率在80.1%~85.1%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)在6.2l%~9.17%之间。液质联用法可对黄酒中环匹阿尼酸进行准确的定性和定量,且避免了对样品费时繁复的提取过程,提高了大批量样品检测前处理的效率,同时解决了检测中出现假阳性的问题,适合黄酒中环匹阿尼酸低残留检测要求。 High performance liquid chromatography-triple quadruple mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), coupled with alkaline methanol solu- tion+n-hexane extraction and ammonium acetate solution+acetonitrile mobile phase elution, were applied to detect cyclopiazonic acid in yellow rice wine. The experimental results suggested that, the detection limit was 50 ixg/kg, the quantification limit was 200 ixg/kg, the linear range was between 25 - 1050 ug/kg (R 〉 0.999), the recovery was between 80.1%- 85.1%, and RSD was within the range of 6.21%-9.17 %. The appli- cation of such method could achieve accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of CPA in yellow rice wine, avoid time-consuming and trouble- some sample extraction, improve greatly sample treatment efficiency especially for samples on a large scale, and settle the problem of false posi- tive in the detection. Besides, it met the detection requirements of low residue of CPA in yellow rice wine.
出处 《酿酒科技》 北大核心 2014年第4期86-88,共3页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
基金 浙江省质量技术监督系统科研计划项目(20100234)
关键词 三重四级杆 质谱 黄酒 环匹阿尼酸 spectrometer triple quad HPLC-MS yellow rice wine cyclopiazonic acid
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