为了提高AZ91D镁合金表面性能,实验利用5 kW横流CO2激光器在AZ91D镁合金表面熔覆了Al+微量Al2O3涂层(Al2O3的质量分数分别为2%,3%,4%,Al和Al2O3的粒度均为300目),使用激光的功率分别为1.9kW,1.5 kW,1.7 kW,扫描速率为7 mm/s,对不同激光工艺参数下获得的熔覆层组织进行了观察,用扫描电镜(SEM)对熔覆层进行了微观分析,并测试了熔覆层的显微硬度和耐磨性能。实验结果表明:当激光功率为1.7 kW^1.9 kW,扫描速率为7 mm/s时,熔覆层的显微硬度最高达320HV0.2是基体的80HV0.2的4倍,耐磨性比基体明显提高了。
In order to improve the properties ot AZV113 magnesium alloy, tlae experiment use 3 K W crosscurrent CO2 taser to clad A1 + A12 03 coating on the surface of AZ91D magnesium alloy (the mass fraction of A12 03 respectively 2%, 3% , 4% ,A1 and A1203 particle size is 300 mesh) laser power respectively is 1.9 kW, 1.5 kW and 1.7 kW,All scanning speed are of 7 ram/s, Under the different of laser processing parameters obtaining the cladding layer organization , and scanning e- lectron microscope (SEM) of cladding layer on the microscopic analysis, and tests the microhardness and wear - resisting performance of the cladding layer, the experimental results show that when the laser power is I. 7 kW ~ I. 9kW, scanning speed are of 7 ram/s, the microhardness of the cladding layer of up to 320 HV0. 2 is four times that of matrix 80HV0. 2 and ab- rasion resistance is greater than that of the suhstrate.
Modern Machinery