Abstract: Five inbreds from Chinese LSC heterotic group and four inbreds BSSS population respectively as materials, the combining ability between the two divergent germplasm was determined. The results showed that the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combi- ning ability (SCA) of diverse inbreds were obviously different. Among the inbreds from BSSS, GCA values of B73 and B109 were greater than those of B94 and Blll, whereas GCA values of 4FIA and ZAC456 were higher than the other inbreds which from Chinese LSC group. When the inbreds from Chinese LSC group and BSSS were used as mutual testers, SCA values between different inbreds were greatly divergent. Among these, under SCA for grain yield as the core assessment index combined with those for other traits, more than 35% of hybrids revealed greater SCA values than the inner control Mo17 × B73 for the hybrids produced by crossing LSC inbreds with BSSS inbreds. And, crossing between high-GCA in- breds could produce elite hybrids with higher SCA values comparing to crossing between low- er-GCA inbreds.
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University
maize BSSS LSC combining ability