在已往数年中 ,全球对生态方面的考虑增强了 ,关爱自然、实现可持续发展已成共识。本文就皮革工业生物 (应用 )技术、皮革制造技术、环保技术的研究状况和应用前景进行了论述和分析 ,并建议采用高新技术和信息 (网络 )技术 ,通过技术创新 ,加快皮革产业技术改造 ,实现整体跨越式发展。在加工过程中大幅度减少污染物的排放和废弃物的资源化利用是可以实现的。
Increasing attention has been paid to ecological considerations world-wide over the past few years. The aims and principles of ecological policy can be summarized under the terms “sustainable development”and “responsible care”。 The paper summarized the progress in the key fields of biotechnology, leather manufacturing, environmental protection. It has been proposed to use these progress and information technology to strengthen technological innovation and upgrade the technological level of the traditional leather industry in China. It was possible to cut down the amount of pollutants in leather processing, and rationally utilize waste and environment friendly dispose.
China Leather